We welcome proposals for interactive installations and demonstrations that provide attendees of the AM.ICAD 2025 conference opportunities to engage with a hands-on demonstration of works exploring original and unpublished sound-based research, art, and design projects. Installations and demonstrations can be experienced either in person at the conference venue, remotely via digital access, or as a hybrid.
Submission deadline: April 4, 2025 (AoE)
Where to Submit: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=amicad2025
See important dates for more deadlines
Submission Information
Demonstration (demo) proposals must take the form of a short paper submission (up to 4 pages, see Call for Papers ICAD or Call for Papers AM for the templates). We encourage authors of regular papers to submit an accompanying demo. The submission must include:
- Demo title, author information, year of creation and approximate duration;
- Context, motivation and intellectual contribution: Discuss the goals and aesthetics of the work and the motivations for the design choices. Place this installation/demonstration within the context of other relevant work. If appropriate, discuss listener reactions, experiences, or feedback.
- Technical setup and spatial requirements: Describe the technical implementation of the installation/demo. You must include necessary details for reviewers to obtain an understanding of the logistical and contextual issues involved in its public presentation. This may include manuscript scores and an evaluation of performance difficulty, spatial layout diagrams, sound levels and ideal ambient noise and isolation conditions, power requirements, etc.
- Media content: An example representing the work must be provided. This file should be either an audio or audiovisual file, limited to 2-channel audio. A review of the work will consider the coherence of the sound alongside the written explanation of what was intended.
- Any other information that will help us organize the demo exhibits.
We will be able to provide basic equipment (e.g. tables, chairs, power sockets, WiFi connection) and we will try to meet any additional technical requests, subject to equipment and space availability.
Selection Process
Authors must anonymize the submission for reviews. The selection process will be conducted by the Installation & Interactive Demos Chairs aided by the conference committee. Demo papers will be considered for inclusion in the main proceedings.
Given the academic context, installations cannot be accepted until the exact requirements are agreed upon with the installation chairs.
Attendance at AM.ICAD 2025 is mandatory for accepted installation and demonstration proposals (creators of remote/digital installations may attend remotely). It is up to the artist/installation author to install and set up the piece.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Installation & Interactive Demo chairs if you have any questions, at info.amicad2025@dei.uc.pt
Installations & Interactive Demos Chairs
André Perrotta
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Niklas Rönnberg
Linköping University, Sweden